Fresh insights from our industry
2023 was a volatile investment year for pension funds, characterized by geopolitical tensions and international central banks’ continuing tight monetary policy. Pension funds were able to achieve an average return of 5.2% last year. 2024 has also been going well→
Complementa has started collecting data for the Risk Check-up 2024. We invite pension funds to take part in the study and thus receive a free individual analysis of the pension fund. All that is needed is the 2023 annual statement.→
Swiss pension funds have coped well with the effects of COVID but the pension system needs to be brought up to date. The capital-weighted average funded ratio has risen to its highest level in 20 years Pension funds are being→
– Press release (in German) – Press release (in French) Zurich, 7 September 2021 – Although the Corona pandemic has kept society and the economy on edge for more than a year, pension funds were able to close the past→
Read the press release as of 8 september 2020: in German: Medienmitteilung in French: Communiqué de presse Please proceed here for more information about the Complementa Risk Check-up Study to download the full Study (Risk Check-up 2020, in German).
In 2015 Bayerische Finanz Zentrum e.V. and Complementa Investment-Controlling AG produced their fourth analysis of the range of services, investment behaviour and investment strategies of family offices as part of the ‘BFZ-Complementa Family Office-Study’. The study is based on a→
Every year, Complementa’s experts publish articles in a variety of professional publications, newspapers, online portals, etc. Excerpts of our work are also regularly quoted by the media. We intend to make good use of the space on our website and→