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From 2014 to 2022, Swiss pension schemes’ allocation to fixed income investments fell from 39.2% to 31.7% Read the article by Luigi Serenelli on IPE’s Website. Falling interest rates and yields on Swiss franc-denominated bonds will likely nudge pension funds

Swiss pension funds are looking at equity investments this year with slightly renewed optimist, remaining cautious, however, on bonds, and cutting down on real estate allocations. Read the full article here read the full article from News _ IPE

One in three Swiss pension funds held more real estate investments than permitted by regulations at the end of last year. They now want to correct things, but the real estate boom has faded. Read the article with comments from

Swiss Pensionskassen have been steadily increasing their investment allocations to infrastructure, both domestically and abroad, partially as a result of a separate category within alternative investments introduced in 2020. The trend relating to increasing infrastructure investments has cemented over the

Swiss Pensionskassen have been preparing for a challenging environment of rising interest rates, high inflation and capital market volatility, while taking a hit on returns in the first months of the year as a result of the war in Ukraine.

“For us is important that with the reform, the minimum conversion rate is finally lowered” says Heinz Rothacher (CEO Complementa AG), about the reform proposal dubbed as “middle way” in parliament. Read the full article here, with all of our

Swiss pension funds have seen their funding ratios increase to 106.8% at the end of August through positive return of 0.3%, according to Complementa’s latest Risk Check-up 2020 report. The recent turmoil in equity markets led to a slump in

The funding ratio of Swiss pension funds bounced back to 103% in April after declining to 99.8% for a short time at the end of March, according to Complementa’s latest “risk check-up” analysis report. Read the article by IPE Magazine

Pension funds in Switzerland have continued to increase their allocations to insurance-linked securities (ILS) and reinsurance linked investments, with the ILS asset class becoming a core alternative investment for some of them. With Switzerland being home to a number of