Fresh insights from our industry
New investment category At its meeting on 17 November 2021, the Federal Council decided to create a new investment category for unlisted investments. From 1 January 2022, non-listed Swiss investments can be treated as a separate category in the catalogue→
Swiss pension funds have coped well with the effects of COVID but the pension system needs to be brought up to date. The capital-weighted average funded ratio has risen to its highest level in 20 years Pension funds are being→
“For us is important that with the reform, the minimum conversion rate is finally lowered” says Heinz Rothacher (CEO Complementa AG), about the reform proposal dubbed as “middle way” in parliament. Read the full article here, with all of our→
– Press release (in German) – Press release (in French) Zurich, 7 September 2021 – Although the Corona pandemic has kept society and the economy on edge for more than a year, pension funds were able to close the past→
How sustainable is your portfolio? Contact us to find out more about Complementa’s ESG-Reporting. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von Vimeo.Mehr erfahren Video laden Vimeo immer entsperren
Our experts have calculated the funding ratio of Swiss pension funds for 2020. Despite Corona-related losses and temporary underfunding, the pension funds closed the year with an overall gain. At 109.5% at the end of the year, the funding ratio→
Changes to the first and the second pillars are running in parallel to make them acceptable to the public. The Swiss government wants to avoid the mistakes made in its previous AV2020 reform. As part of that reform, the executive→
Swiss pension funds have seen their funding ratios increase to 106.8% at the end of August through positive return of 0.3%, according to Complementa’s latest Risk Check-up 2020 report. The recent turmoil in equity markets led to a slump in→
Read the press release as of 8 september 2020: in German: Medienmitteilung in French: Communiqué de presse Please proceed here for more information about the Complementa Risk Check-up Study to download the full Study (Risk Check-up 2020, in German).